
We care about SNOW at Rogers

Sometimes we get snow here in Victoria! This snow is wonderful! Most of your children love it!

When it snows, we relay a “We care” snow message to your children. Please reinforce this message to your child(ren):

At Rogers, we care about ourselves in the snow by:
· Wearing gloves/mittens outside to protect our precious hands
· Rolling or sliding in the snow only if we have winter pants and jacket on (otherwise we are wet for the rest of the day or need to call a family member to bring warm, dry clothes)

At Rogers, we care about others in the snow by:
· Keeping snow on the ground, rather than throwing it at others
· Making snowballs into snowmen, not projectiles
· Taking turns on the sliding hill

At Rogers, we care about this place in the snow by:
· Brushing the snow off ourselves before we come into the school (so it does melt onto our clothes and leave them wet, or track snow through the hallways)
· Stomping the packed snow off our boots, before we get into the school

Thanks for your help with spreading the message about snow at school! The snow matrix can be found by clicking HERE.