
Getting to CALM at Rogers

What Do We Need Right Now?
In the short term, which is now, one of our goals is to have our school’s image and reality be a CALM school. We know that in order for students to be ready to learn, their brains and bodies must be calm and alert and the environment in which they learn must be calm and conducive to learning. There is a far better chance of optimal learning to occur for each child with fewer distractions.

With optimal learning in mind, we have come up with a few expectations to have us get started on being calmer than ever before.  With parent support, we know we can get ut short term goal happening this week, if we all work together!

How can we make it happen
To be well rested
Ensure child gets a proper sleep
To have healthy nutrition
Healthy breakfast, snacks & lunch
To start morning calm
Stress free morning time
To be prepared and organized
Homework is complete & agenda is read

How can we make it happen
To have safe parking lot
Drop off kids on Rogers avenue
Park on the outside of the circle ONLY
Drop off ONLY in drop off zone
Staff parking is reserved for staff ONLY
To have quiet hallways in the morning
Parents say goodbye outside
Students line up outside
To have quiet quiet hallways at dismissal
Parents pick up outside
Inside pick up – on stairs across from gym
To have quiet during announcements
Everyone STOPS talking during announcements

Together we are calm, alert and ready to learn!